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How to List USB Devices in Linux: A Clear Guide

Listing USB devices in Linux is a fundamental task that many users need to perform, especially when troubleshooting or managing external storage devices. While there are different ways to achieve this goal, some methods are more efficient and reliable than others. In this article, we will explore the most common techniques to list USB devices in Linux and provide step-by-step instructions for each of them.

Understanding USB devices in Linux is crucial to know how to interact with them properly. USB devices are classified into different classes, such as mass storage, human interface devices, printers, and audio devices. Each class has its own set of commands and tools to manage them. Therefore, before listing USB devices, it’s essential to identify their class and characteristics. This article will cover the main USB device classes and their attributes, as well as the tools and commands to inspect them.

Key Takeaways

  • There are different classes of USB devices in Linux, and each has its own set of commands and tools to manage them.
  • The ‘lsusb’ command is the most common and straightforward way to list USB devices in Linux.
  • Mounting USB devices and managing their file systems requires specific commands and permissions.

Understanding USB Devices in Linux

USB Device Basics

USB stands for Universal Serial Bus, and it is a standard interface used for connecting various devices to a computer. In Linux, USB devices are treated as files, and they are located in the /dev directory.

When a USB device is plugged in, the system detects it and creates a device file for it. The device file is used to communicate with the USB device. The device file is typically named /dev/sdX, where X is a letter that represents the USB device.

USB Device Classifications

USB devices are classified into several categories based on their functionality. The most common classifications are:

  • Mass Storage Devices: These are USB drives that are used for storing data. They are typically formatted with a file system such as FAT32 or NTFS.
  • Human Interface Devices: These are USB devices that are used for input or output, such as keyboards, mice, and printers.
  • Audio Devices: These are USB devices that are used for audio input or output, such as microphones and speakers.
  • Video Devices: These are USB devices that are used for video input or output, such as webcams and video capture cards.
  • Network Devices: These are USB devices that are used for network connectivity, such as Ethernet adapters and Wi-Fi dongles.

Each USB device has a unique identifier that is used to identify it on the USB bus. The USB bus is a hierarchical structure that connects USB devices to the computer. Each USB device is connected to a USB port on the computer, and the USB ports are connected to the USB bus.

In conclusion, understanding USB devices in Linux is essential for managing and troubleshooting USB devices. By knowing the basics and classifications of USB devices, users can easily identify and configure USB devices on their system.

Listing USB Devices with lsusb

Using the lsusb Command

In Linux, the lsusb command is used to list all the USB devices connected to the system. This command is available in most Linux distributions and is a powerful tool for identifying and managing USB devices. To use the lsusb command, open a terminal window and type the following command:


This command will list all the USB devices currently connected to the system. The output will include the device name, device ID, and other information about the device.

Interpreting lsusb Output

The output of the lsusb command can be a bit overwhelming at first, but it is easy to understand once you know what to look for. The following is an example of the output of the lsusb command:

Bus 001 Device 002: ID 04f2:b40a Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub

In this example, there are three USB devices connected to the system. Each device is listed on a separate line, and the information is separated by spaces. The first column shows the bus number and device number of the USB device. The second column shows the device ID, which is a unique identifier for the USB device. The third column shows the name of the USB device.

By using the lsusb command, you can quickly and easily identify all the USB devices connected to your Linux system. This information can be useful for troubleshooting USB device issues or for managing USB devices on your system.

Advanced USB Device Queries

The usb-devices Command

One of the most useful commands for listing USB devices in Linux is the usb-devices command. This command provides detailed information about all the USB devices connected to the system. The output of this command includes information such as the vendor ID, product ID, device class, and device speed.

To use the usb-devices command, open a terminal window and type the following command:

$ sudo usb-devices

This will display a list of all the USB devices connected to the system. The output is quite verbose, so it may be helpful to pipe the output to a text file or use the grep command to filter the output.

Filtering with grep

The grep command can be used to filter the output of the usb-devices command to display only the information that is relevant to the user. For example, to display only the information for a specific vendor, use the following command:

$ sudo usb-devices | grep -i vendor_id

This will display only the lines that contain the string “vendor_id”, which includes the vendor ID for each USB device. Similarly, the grep command can be used to filter the output based on other attributes such as product ID, device class, and device speed.

It is worth noting that the usb-devices command may not be available on all Linux distributions. If the command is not available on your system, you can try installing the usbutils package using your distribution’s package manager.

Overall, the usb-devices command and the grep command are powerful tools for listing USB devices in Linux. By using these commands, users can quickly and easily obtain detailed information about the USB devices connected to their system.

Mounting USB Devices

Mounting USB devices in Linux is a straightforward process that can be done using various commands. This section will cover the two primary methods of mounting USB devices in Linux: the mount and unmount commands and automounting USB drives.

Mount and Unmount Commands

The mount command is used to mount a file system, including USB devices, to a specified mount point. The mount point is a directory in the file system where the USB device will be accessible. To mount a USB device, you need to know the device’s file system type and its device name.

To find the device name, you can use the lsblk command, which lists all available block devices, including USB devices. Once you know the device name, you can use the mount command to mount the USB device to a mount point. For example, the following command mounts a USB device with the device name /dev/sdb1 to the mount point /media/usb:

sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usb

To unmount the USB device, you can use the umount command followed by the mount point. For example, the following command unmounts the USB device mounted at /media/usb:

sudo umount /media/usb

Automounting USB Drives

Automounting USB drives is a convenient way to automatically mount USB devices when they are plugged in. In Linux, the automounting of USB devices is usually handled by the udev system.

When a USB device is plugged in, udev creates a device node for it and notifies the system. The system then runs a script that can automatically mount the USB device to a specified mount point.

To enable automounting of USB devices, you need to have a file system that supports it, such as the Universal Disk Format (UDF) or the File Allocation Table (FAT) file system. You also need to have a file manager that supports automounting, such as Nautilus or Thunar.

Once you have these prerequisites, you can configure your system to automount USB devices by adding a rule to the udev system. The rule specifies the mount point and the file system type of the USB device.

For example, the following rule mounts USB devices with the FAT file system to the mount point /media/usb:

ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sd[a-z][0-9]", ENV{ID_FS_TYPE}=="vfat", RUN+="/bin/mkdir -p /media/usb", RUN+="/bin/mount -t vfat -o utf8,umask=000 /dev/%k /media/usb"

This rule creates the mount point /media/usb if it does not exist and then mounts the USB device to it using the mount command with the options -t vfat -o utf8,umask=000. The options specify the file system type and the mount options.

In summary, mounting USB devices in Linux can be done using the mount and unmount commands or by automounting USB drives using the udev system. Both methods are easy to use and provide convenient ways to access USB devices in Linux.

Managing USB Device File Systems

When working with USB devices in Linux, it is important to manage the file systems associated with them. This section will cover two common tasks related to managing USB device file systems: formatting USB drives and checking disk space with the df command.

Formatting USB Drives

To format a USB drive in Linux, the format command can be used. This command allows the user to select the file system type and set other options such as the volume label.

Here is an example of how to format a USB drive with the format command:

sudo format /dev/sdb1

In this example, /dev/sdb1 is the device file for the USB drive. The user will be prompted to select the file system type and set other options.

It is important to note that formatting a USB drive will erase all data on the drive. Therefore, it is important to backup any important data before formatting.

Checking Disk Space with df

To check the disk space of a USB device in Linux, the df command can be used. This command displays information about the file system including the amount of free space and the total size of the file system.

Here is an example of how to use the df command to check the disk space of a USB device:

df -h /dev/sdb1

In this example, /dev/sdb1 is the device file for the USB device. The -h option is used to display the information in a human-readable format.

It is important to note that the df command only displays information about the file system and not the actual files on the device. To view the files on the device, a file manager or command-line utility such as ls can be used.

Overall, managing USB device file systems in Linux is an important task that can be accomplished using commands such as format and df. By understanding how to format USB drives and check disk space, users can better manage their USB devices and ensure they are functioning properly.

Inspecting Block Devices with lsblk

The lsblk Command

The lsblk command is a powerful tool for listing block devices in Linux. It provides a clear and concise view of all block devices, including partitions and their mount points. By default, lsblk lists all block devices in a tree-like format, making it easy to understand the relationships between different devices.

To use lsblk, simply open a terminal and type lsblk followed by any options you wish to use. For example, to list all block devices with their mount points, use the -m option:

$ lsblk -m

This will produce output similar to the following:

sda         1.8T   disk
├─sda1      512M  part ntfs   /boot/efi
├─sda2      732G  part ext4   /
└─sda3    1023.5G part ext4   /home
sdb         3.7G   disk iso9660
└─sdb1      3.7G  part iso9660 /media/cdrom

Understanding lsblk Output

The output of lsblk can be a bit overwhelming at first, but it’s actually very easy to understand. Each line represents a block device or partition, and the columns provide information about each device, such as its name, size, type, file system, and mount point.

Here’s a breakdown of the columns in the output:

  • NAME: The name of the block device or partition.
  • SIZE: The size of the device or partition.
  • TYPE: The type of the device or partition (disk or part).
  • FSTYPE: The file system type of the partition (if applicable).
  • MOUNTPOINT: The mount point of the partition (if mounted).

By default, lsblk lists all block devices, including internal hard drives, USB drives, and CD/DVD drives. However, you can use various options to filter the output and only show specific devices or partitions.

For example, to only show USB drives, use the -d option:

$ lsblk -d

This will produce output similar to the following:

sdb      8:16   1   3.7G  0 disk
sdc      8:32   1  14.9G  0 disk

This output only shows USB drives (TYPE=disk) and excludes internal hard drives and CD/DVD drives.

Troubleshooting USB Device Issues

If you are experiencing issues with your USB devices on a Linux server or computer, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the problem. In this section, we will explore two common methods for diagnosing USB device issues: using the dmesg command and identifying USB device errors.

Using dmesg for Diagnostics

The dmesg command allows users to view kernel ring buffer messages, which includes information about USB device connections and disconnections. To use this command, open a terminal window and type in the following command:

dmesg | grep usb

This will display all USB-related messages in the kernel ring buffer. If there are any errors or warnings related to USB devices, they will be displayed here.

Additionally, you can use the dmesg command with the -w flag to continuously monitor the kernel ring buffer for USB device events. This can be useful for diagnosing intermittent USB device issues.

Identifying USB Device Errors

If you are experiencing issues with a specific USB device, you can use the lsusb command to identify the device and its associated error messages. To use this command, open a terminal window and type in the following command:

lsusb -v

This will display a list of all USB devices connected to the system, along with their vendor and product IDs. If there are any errors associated with a specific device, they will be displayed under the “Device Descriptor” section.

If you are still having issues with your USB devices after using these troubleshooting methods, it may be worth checking the physical connections and ensuring that the device is compatible with your system.

Advanced USB Device Management

USB Controllers and Ports

When dealing with advanced USB device management in Linux, it is important to have a good understanding of the USB controllers and ports. USB controllers are responsible for managing the communication between the USB devices and the computer. On the other hand, USB ports are the physical connections on the computer where the USB devices are plugged in.

To list the USB controllers and ports on a Linux system, you can use the lshw command. This command provides detailed information about the hardware on the system, including the USB controllers and ports. To list only the USB-related information, you can use the following command:

sudo lshw -class bus -class usb

This command will display information about all the USB controllers and ports on the system, including their names, descriptions, and capabilities.

Handling USB Permissions

In Linux, USB devices are usually mounted automatically when they are plugged in. However, in some cases, you may need to manually mount a USB device or change its permissions.

To mount a USB device manually, you can use the mount command. First, you need to identify the device name using the fdisk utility or the lsblk command. Once you have the device name, you can mount it using the following command:

sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb

In this example, /dev/sdb1 is the device name, and /mnt/usb is the mount point.

When dealing with USB permissions, it is important to note that only users with root privileges can access USB devices by default. This means that regular users may not be able to use USB devices unless the permissions are changed.

To change the permissions of a USB device, you can use the chmod command. For example, to give all users read and write access to a USB device, you can use the following command:

sudo chmod 666 /dev/sdb1

In this example, /dev/sdb1 is the device name. The 666 value sets the permissions to read and write for all users.

Overall, advanced USB device management in Linux requires a good understanding of the USB controllers and ports, as well as the tools and commands available for managing USB devices. With the right knowledge and tools, users can easily mount, access, and manage USB devices on their Linux systems.

Frequently Asked Questions

What command is used to display USB devices on a Linux system?

The lsusb command is used to display USB devices on a Linux system. This command lists all the USB devices connected to the system and provides information about each device, such as the vendor and product IDs, device speed, and more.

How can I find the path of a USB device in Linux?

To find the path of a USB device in Linux, you can use the udevadm command. This command allows you to query the udev database and get information about the devices connected to the system. The path of a USB device can be obtained by running the command udevadm info --name=/dev/<device_name> | grep DEVPATH.

What methods are available for enumerating USB devices on Linux?

There are several methods available for enumerating USB devices on Linux, including the lsusb command, the udevadm command, and the usb-devices command. These commands provide information about the USB devices connected to the system and can be used to troubleshoot USB-related issues.

How do I list all connected devices, including USB, on a Linux machine?

To list all connected devices, including USB, on a Linux machine, you can use the lsblk command. This command lists all the block devices connected to the system, including USB drives and other storage devices. You can also use the lshw command to get detailed information about all the hardware components connected to the system.

Can I view USB device information on Linux similar to how it’s done on Windows?

Yes, you can view USB device information on Linux similar to how it’s done on Windows. The lsusb command provides information about the USB devices connected to the system, including the vendor and product IDs, device speed, and more. You can also use graphical tools like gnome-disks or system-config-lvm to view USB device information on Linux.

What steps are needed to list USB devices on a Raspberry Pi running Linux?

To list USB devices on a Raspberry Pi running Linux, you can use the lsusb command or the usb-devices command. These commands provide information about the USB devices connected to the system. You can also use the dmesg command to view the kernel log and get information about USB devices that have been connected or disconnected from the system.

Last Updated on January 23, 2024 by admin

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