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lsblk Command in Linux: Examples and Usage

The lsblk command is a useful tool for managing storage devices in Linux systems. It allows users to view information about block devices and their attributes, such as size, mount points, and file systems. This information can be used to troubleshoot issues, identify available storage, and make informed decisions about storage management.

Understanding the lsblk command is essential for Linux users who need to manage storage devices. This tool can provide valuable insight into the storage devices connected to a system, including their names, sizes, and mount points. With this information, users can identify available storage and determine the best way to allocate it for their needs.

Installation and access to the lsblk command are straightforward in most Linux distributions. Once installed, users can begin to use the command to view information about their storage devices. Basic usage of the lsblk command is simple, but advanced features are available for users who need more detailed information. Practical examples of how to use the lsblk command can help users understand how to apply it in real-world scenarios. Troubleshooting common issues and following best practices for using lsblk can help ensure that storage devices are properly managed.

Key Takeaways

  • The lsblk command provides valuable information about block devices and their attributes.
  • Understanding the lsblk command is essential for managing storage devices in Linux systems.
  • Basic usage of the lsblk command is simple, but advanced features and practical examples are available for users who need more detailed information.

Understanding the lsblk Command

The lsblk command is a powerful tool used to list all available block devices on a Linux system. It can be used to display information about hard disks, SSDs, USB drives, optical drives, and other storage devices.

When executed with no options, the lsblk command displays a list of all block devices connected to the system, along with their sizes and mount points (if applicable). The command can also be used to display detailed information about a specific device, such as its partition layout and file system type.

One of the most useful features of the lsblk command is its ability to display the relationship between block devices and their corresponding partitions. This can be done using the -a option, which shows all devices, including empty ones, and the -o option, which specifies the output format.

For example, the following command displays a tree-like output of all block devices and their partitions:


This command will output a table with the following columns: device name, file system type, mount point, device size, and device type. The -a option includes all devices, even those without partitions, while the -o option specifies the output format.

In summary, the lsblk command is a powerful tool for listing and displaying information about block devices on a Linux system. Its ability to display the relationship between devices and partitions makes it an essential tool for system administrators and power users.

Installation and Access

How to Install lsblk

The lsblk command is usually pre-installed on most Linux distributions. However, if it is not installed on your system, you can easily install it using your package manager. For example, on Ubuntu and Debian-based systems, you can install it by running the following command in your terminal:

sudo apt-get install util-linux

On CentOS and Red Hat-based systems, you can install it by running the following command:

sudo yum install util-linux-ng

Accessing lsblk Command

Once you have installed lsblk, you can access it by opening a terminal and typing lsblk followed by any options or arguments you wish to use. For example, to display all the available block devices on your system, you can run the following command:


This will display a list of all the block devices on your system, along with their mount points and other information.

You can also use various options with the lsblk command to customize its output. For example, to display the output in a tree-like format, you can use the -f option:

lsblk -f

This will display the output in a tree-like format, with each block device and its partitions indented under its parent device.

In addition, you can use other options such as -a to show all devices, including empty ones, or -o to specify the columns to display in the output.

Overall, lsblk is a powerful command-line tool that can help you manage your block devices effectively on Linux systems.

Basic Usage of lsblk

The lsblk command is a useful tool for listing and displaying information about block devices on a Linux system. This section will cover the basic usage of lsblk with examples.

Listing Block Devices

To list all block devices on a system, simply run the lsblk command without any arguments:

$ lsblk

This will output a table of block devices, including their names, sizes, and mount points (if applicable). The output will look something like this:

sda    8:0      0    500G  0   disk  
├─sda1 8:1      0    100M  0   part  /boot/efi
├─sda2 8:2      0    200G  0   part  /
├─sda3 8:3      0    100G  0   part  /home
└─sda4 8:4      0    200G  0   part  /var
sdb    8:16     1    1.8T  0   disk  
└─sdb1 8:17     1    1.8T  0   part  /mnt/data

This table shows two block devices: sda and sdb. sda has four partitions (sda1, sda2, sda3, and sda4), while sdb has only one partition (sdb1). The MAJ:MIN column shows the major and minor device numbers, while the RM column shows whether the device is removable. The SIZE column shows the size of the device, and the RO column shows whether the device is read-only. The TYPE column shows the type of device (disk or part), and the MOUNTPOINT column shows the mount point (if applicable).

Displaying Device Information

To display information about a specific device, use the -d option followed by the device name. For example, to display information about sda, run:

$ lsblk -d sda

This will output information about the sda device, including its size, number of partitions, and partition sizes:

sda   8:0      0    500G  0   disk  

To display information about a specific partition, use the -o option followed by the desired output columns. For example, to display the size and mount point of sda1, run:

$ lsblk -o SIZE,MOUNTPOINT /dev/sda1

This will output:

100M    /boot/efi

In summary, the lsblk command is a powerful tool for listing and displaying information about block devices on a Linux system. By using the various options and output formats available, users can quickly and easily gather the information they need about their system’s storage devices.

Advanced Features

Output Formatting Options

The lsblk command provides various output formatting options to customize the output. The -o or --output option can be used to specify the columns to be displayed. For example, the following command displays only the device name, size, and mount point columns:


The --ascii option can be used to display the output in ASCII format, which can be useful when the output is redirected to a file or a non-UTF-8 terminal.

Including and Excluding Columns

The lsblk command also allows you to include or exclude specific columns from the output. The --include option can be used to include only the specified columns, while the --exclude option can be used to exclude the specified columns. For example, the following command displays all columns except the mount point column:

$ lsblk --exclude MOUNTPOINT

Understanding Device Trees

The lsblk command displays the device tree of the system, which shows the hierarchy of devices and their relationships. The device tree starts with the root device, which is typically the hard disk or the solid-state drive. Each device can have one or more child devices, which can be partitions, logical volumes, or other block devices.

The device tree can be visualized using the --tree option, which displays the tree structure using ASCII characters. The --tree option can be combined with other options to customize the output. For example, the following command displays the device tree with the device name, size, and mount point columns:

$ lsblk --tree -o NAME,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT

Understanding the device tree can be useful when troubleshooting storage-related issues or when configuring storage devices in a complex system.

Practical Examples

Identifying Filesystems

One of the most common use cases for lsblk is to identify the filesystems that are currently mounted on the system. This can be done by running the command with the -f option, which displays filesystem information along with other details like the device name and size.

For example, to list all mounted filesystems on the system, run:

$ lsblk -f

This will produce output similar to the following:

NAME        FSTYPE      LABEL UUID                                 MOUNTPOINT
├─sda1      vfat              3C2E-1D2C                            /boot/efi
├─sda2      ext4              8f7e7e2b-5c4c-4f6b-b3a3-41f9e3b9c5cf /
└─sda3      swap              6e15f1e9-0d5e-4e2a-9cfe-0c7f9c3a8f1f [SWAP]
└─sdb1      ext4              7a4b8f6c-6c47-4d3e-8a40-2b0c6a6f9a8c /mnt/data

From the output, it is easy to see which filesystems are mounted and where they are mounted. The FSTYPE column shows the type of filesystem, and the MOUNTPOINT column shows the mount point for each filesystem.

Monitoring Disk Partitions

Another use case for lsblk is to monitor disk partitions and their usage. This can be done by running the command with the -o option, which allows you to specify which columns to display.

For example, to display the device name, size, used space, and mount point for each partition, run:


This will produce output similar to the following:

sda       931.5G  83.1G 
├─sda1      512M   9.2M /boot/efi
├─sda2    883.1G  50.6G /
└─sda3     48.9G      [SWAP]
sdb         1.8T  89.1G /mnt/data
└─sdb1      1.8T  89.1G /mnt/data

From the output, it is easy to see the size and usage of each partition, as well as the mount point for each partition. This can be useful for monitoring disk usage and identifying potential issues with disk space.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Sometimes, users may encounter errors or issues while using the lsblk command. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

  • No output: If the lsblk command does not produce any output, it may be due to insufficient permissions. Ensure that the user has the necessary permissions to access the device.
  • Incorrect output: If the output of lsblk does not match the expected output, it may be due to incorrect parameters or options. Double check the command syntax and ensure that the correct options are used.
  • Device not found: If a device is not found by the lsblk command, it may be due to a hardware issue. Check that the device is properly connected and powered on.
  • Device not mounted: If a device is not mounted, it will not show up in the output of lsblk. Use the mount command to mount the device.
  • Incorrect device size: If the size of a device reported by lsblk does not match the actual size, it may be due to a partition that is not properly aligned. Use the parted command to check and fix partition alignment.

By following these tips, users can troubleshoot common issues that may arise while using the lsblk command.

Best Practices for Using lsblk

When using the lsblk command in Linux, there are a few best practices that can help users get the most out of the tool. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Use the -f option to display file system information

By default, lsblk only displays basic block device information. However, users can use the -f option to display file system information as well. This can be helpful when trying to determine which file system is being used on a particular device.

2. Use the -o option to customize output

The -o option allows users to customize the output of lsblk. Users can specify which columns to display and in what order. For example, the following command will display the device name, size, and file system type:


3. Use the -p option to display full device paths

By default, lsblk only displays device names. However, users can use the -p option to display full device paths. This can be helpful when trying to identify a specific device.

4. Use the -a option to display all devices

By default, lsblk only displays devices that are currently mounted. However, users can use the -a option to display all devices, including those that are not currently mounted.

5. Use the -h option for human-readable output

The -h option displays output in a human-readable format, making it easier to read and understand. For example, the following command will display device sizes in a human-readable format:

lsblk -h

By following these best practices, users can get the most out of the lsblk command in Linux.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I interpret the output of the lsblk command?

The output of the lsblk command displays the list of block devices in a tree-like format. Each device is identified by its name, size, and type. The device names are usually prefixed with ‘sd’ for SCSI devices and ‘hd’ for IDE devices. The size of each device is displayed in bytes, while the type of each device is indicated by the letter ‘t’ for the device type.

What steps should I follow if I receive an ‘lsblk command not found’ error?

If you receive an ‘lsblk command not found’ error, it means that the lsblk command is not installed on your system. To install lsblk, you can use the package manager of your Linux distribution. For example, on Ubuntu and Debian-based systems, you can use the apt-get command to install the util-linux package, which includes the lsblk command.

How do I list block devices in Linux using the lsblk command?

To list block devices in Linux using the lsblk command, open a terminal and type ‘lsblk’ followed by the appropriate options. For example, to list all block devices, use the command ‘lsblk -a’. To list only the devices that are not mounted, use the command ‘lsblk -f’. To list the devices in a tree-like format, use the command ‘lsblk -t’.

In the context of lsblk, what do ‘maj’ and ‘min’ represent in the output?

In the context of lsblk, ‘maj’ and ‘min’ represent the major and minor device numbers of each block device. The major number identifies the driver that controls the device, while the minor number identifies the specific device that the driver controls.

What package do I need to install to use lsblk in Linux?

To use lsblk in Linux, you need to install the util-linux package. This package includes several system utilities, including the lsblk command.

How does the lsblk command differ from fdisk in Linux?

The lsblk command and the fdisk command are both used to manage block devices in Linux, but they serve different purposes. The lsblk command is used to list block devices and their attributes, while the fdisk command is used to create, delete, and modify disk partitions.

Last Updated on January 23, 2024 by admin

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