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Reboot Linux System Command with Examples

Linux is a popular open-source operating system that is widely used by developers, system administrators, and other IT professionals. One of the essential commands in Linux is the reboot command, which allows users to restart their system quickly. In this article, we will discuss the reboot Linux system command with examples to help users understand how to use it effectively.

Understanding the reboot command is crucial for Linux users, as it can help them troubleshoot various system issues. The reboot command is used to restart the system, and it can be executed in various ways. Users can choose to reboot their system immediately or schedule a reboot at a specific time. Additionally, the reboot command can be used to shut down the system or to switch to a different operating system if the system is configured to dual boot.

Executing the reboot command is simple, but it’s essential to understand the various options available to users. In this article, we will cover the different ways users can execute the reboot command, including the shutdown command, the init command, and the systemctl command. We will also discuss distribution-specific information and frequently asked questions related to the reboot command to help users troubleshoot any issues they may encounter.

Key Takeaways

  • The reboot command is an essential command in Linux that allows users to restart their system quickly.
  • Users can execute the reboot command in various ways, including the shutdown command, the init command, and the systemctl command.
  • Understanding distribution-specific information and frequently asked questions related to the reboot command can help users troubleshoot any issues they may encounter.

Understanding the Reboot Command

What Does the Reboot Command Do?

The reboot command in Linux is used to restart the system. It is a simple command that can be used to reboot the system immediately or at a specific time. When the command is executed, it sends a signal to the kernel to shut down the system and then restart it.

Reboot Command Syntax

The syntax for the reboot command is straightforward. To reboot the system immediately, simply type reboot in the terminal and press enter. If you want to schedule a reboot at a specific time, use the following command:

sudo shutdown -r hh:mm

Where hh:mm is the time you want the system to reboot. For example, to schedule a reboot at 3:30 PM, type:

sudo shutdown -r 15:30

Reboot Command Options

The reboot command also has some options that can be used to customize the reboot process. Here are some of the most commonly used options:

-fForce the reboot without warning or confirmation.
-wDon’t actually reboot the system, but only write the shutdown time to the wtmp file.
-nDon’t sync the file system before rebooting. This can lead to data loss.
-dSet the delay before rebooting. The delay is specified in seconds.

For example, to force a reboot without warning or confirmation, use the following command:

sudo reboot -f

In summary, the reboot command is a simple yet powerful command that can be used to restart the system in Linux. It can be used to reboot the system immediately or at a specific time, and it has options that can be used to customize the reboot process.

Executing the Reboot Command

The reboot command is used to restart a Linux system. It is a simple command that can be executed with or without arguments. In this section, we will look at how to use the reboot command with examples.

Rebooting with Time Delay

The reboot command can be used with the -d option to specify a time delay before the system is rebooted. This can be useful if you want to give users a warning before the system is restarted. The time delay is specified in seconds.

$ reboot -d 60

This command will reboot the system after a delay of 60 seconds. During this time, a message will be displayed on the console warning users that the system will be rebooted.

Forcing a Reboot

The reboot command can also be used with the -f option to force a reboot without any warning or delay. This can be useful if the system is unresponsive or if you need to reboot the system quickly.

$ reboot -f

This command will immediately reboot the system without any warning or delay. All running processes will be terminated, and the system will be restarted.

In conclusion, the reboot command is a simple and powerful tool that can be used to restart a Linux system. It can be executed with or without arguments, and can be used to reboot the system with a time delay or without any warning or delay.


Dealing with ‘Command Not Found’ Error

If you encounter a ‘command not found’ error while trying to reboot your Linux system, it could be due to a missing or incorrectly installed package. To resolve this issue, you can use the package manager of your Linux distribution to install the missing package. For example, on a Debian-based system, you can install the package containing the reboot command by running the following command as root:

apt-get install systemd

If you are still unable to use the reboot command after installing the package, you may need to check your system’s PATH environment variable to ensure that it includes the directory where the reboot command is located. You can do this by running the following command:

echo $PATH

If the directory containing the reboot command is not listed in the output, you can add it to the PATH variable by editing the /etc/environment file and adding the following line:


Checking System Reboot History

If you need to check the system reboot history on your Linux system, you can use the last command. This command displays a list of the most recent system reboots, along with the date and time of each reboot and the user who initiated the reboot.

To display the system reboot history, simply run the following command:

last reboot

This will display output similar to the following:

reboot   system boot  5.4.0-91-generic Tue Jan  9 09:00   still running
reboot   system boot  5.4.0-91-generic Mon Jan  8 09:00   still running
reboot   system boot  5.4.0-91-generic Sun Jan  7 09:00   still running

If you need more detailed information about a specific reboot, you can use the -t option to specify a date and time to start from. For example, to display all reboots since January 1st, 2024, you can run the following command:

last reboot -s "2024-01-01 00:00:00"

This will display output similar to the following:

reboot   system boot  5.4.0-91-generic Tue Jan  9 09:00   still running
reboot   system boot  5.4.0-91-generic Mon Jan  8 09:00   still running
reboot   system boot  5.4.0-91-generic Sun Jan  7 09:00   still running

Distribution-Specific Information

Rebooting in Debian-Based Systems

Debian is one of the most popular Linux distributions, and it has its own unique way of rebooting the system. The command to reboot a Debian-based system is as follows:

$ sudo reboot

This command will restart the system immediately. However, it is recommended to use the following command to reboot the system after a certain period of time:

$ sudo reboot -h now

This command will shut down the system and then reboot it immediately.

Rebooting in Ubuntu-Based Systems

Ubuntu is another popular Linux distribution that is based on Debian. The reboot command for Ubuntu is similar to that of Debian:

$ sudo reboot

This command will restart the system immediately. However, if you want to shut down the system and then reboot it immediately, you can use the following command:

$ sudo shutdown -r now

This command will shut down the system and then reboot it immediately.

It is important to note that the reboot command may vary depending on the Linux distribution you are using. Therefore, it is always recommended to check the documentation of your Linux distribution to find the appropriate command to reboot the system.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I restart a Linux server using SSH?

To restart a Linux server using SSH, you can log in to the server remotely and issue the reboot command. For example, type sudo reboot to reboot the system. This command will initiate a system reboot after a delay of a few seconds, allowing you to cancel the reboot if necessary.

What are the different options available with the Linux reboot command?

The Linux reboot command has several options that you can use to customize the reboot process. For example, you can use the -f option to force an immediate reboot without warning or the -n option to avoid syncing the file system before rebooting. Refer to the man pages or the command help for a complete list of available options.

How do I issue a reboot command from the command line in Ubuntu?

To issue a reboot command from the command line in Ubuntu, you can open a terminal and type sudo reboot. This will initiate a system reboot after a delay of a few seconds, allowing you to cancel the reboot if necessary.

What specific command is used to perform a sudo reboot on a Linux system?

The specific command used to perform a sudo reboot on a Linux system is reboot. You can use this command with sudo to reboot the system with root privileges.

What is the process to safely shutdown and then restart a Linux machine?

To safely shutdown and then restart a Linux machine, you can first use the shutdown command to initiate a system shutdown. For example, type sudo shutdown now to initiate an immediate shutdown. Once the system has shut down, you can then use the reboot command to restart the system.

In what scenarios would I need to restart my Linux operating system, and how is it done?

You may need to restart your Linux operating system in various scenarios, such as after installing new software or updates, after modifying system configurations, or after encountering system errors. To restart the system, you can use the reboot command as described above.

Last Updated on January 16, 2024 by admin

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