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Uname Command in Linux (with 10 Popular Example)

The uname command is a popular Linux utility that provides system information to users. It is a simple and effective way to access important data about the operating system, including the kernel version, machine architecture, and hostname. In this article, we will explore the uname command in depth, including its basic usage, advanced features, and practical applications.

Understanding the Uname Command The uname command is a built-in utility in most Linux distributions, allowing users to retrieve system information with a single command. By default, it displays the kernel name, node name, kernel release, kernel version, machine hardware name, and processor type. However, it can also be used to display additional information about the system, such as the operating system name, domain name, and more.

Using Uname in Practice The uname command is a powerful tool for system administrators and developers alike. It can be used to check the compatibility of software with different operating system versions, troubleshoot system issues, and gather information about the system for documentation purposes. Additionally, it can be used in shell scripts to automate system administration tasks. In the following sections, we will explore some practical examples of how to use the uname command in practice.

Key Takeaways

  • The uname command is a built-in Linux utility that provides system information to users.
  • It can be used to display basic information about the system, as well as additional details such as the operating system name and domain name.
  • The uname command is a powerful tool for system administrators and developers, and can be used to troubleshoot issues, check software compatibility, and automate system administration tasks.

Understanding the Uname Command

What Is Uname?

The uname command is a Linux utility that displays information about the system hardware and software. This command is used to get the name, version, and other details about the current operating system running on a Linux machine. It provides various options to display system information such as the kernel name, version, release, and machine hardware name.

Uname Syntax and Options

The uname command syntax is as follows:

uname [OPTION]...

The uname command can be used with various options to display different system information. Here are some of the commonly used options:

-aDisplays all system information
-sDisplays the kernel name
-nDisplays the network node hostname
-rDisplays the kernel release
-vDisplays the kernel version
-mDisplays the machine hardware name
-pDisplays the processor type or architecture
-iDisplays the hardware platform
-oDisplays the operating system

For example, to display all the system information, use the following command:

uname -a

This will output information about the kernel name, version, release, machine hardware name, and operating system.

In summary, the uname command is a useful Linux utility that provides detailed information about the operating system and hardware. By using different options with the command, users can retrieve specific system information.

Using Uname in Practice

Basic Uname Commands

The uname command in Linux is a versatile tool that can be used to retrieve a variety of system information. The basic usage of uname is simple, and it requires no arguments. When run without any options or arguments, uname will display the operating system name.

For example, running uname on a system running Ubuntu 22.04 will output:


To display more detailed information about the system, the -a option can be used. This option will display all available system information, including the kernel version, hostname, and processor architecture.

$ uname -a
Linux ubuntu 5.16.0-rc3-custom #1 SMP Wed Dec 28 13:07:12 EST 2022 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Interpreting Uname Output

The output of uname can be difficult to interpret if you are not familiar with the terms used. Here is a breakdown of each component of the output:

  • Linux: This is the operating system name.
  • ubuntu: This is the hostname of the system.
  • 5.16.0-rc3-custom: This is the kernel version.
  • #1 SMP Wed Dec 28 13:07:12 EST 2022: This is the date and time the kernel was compiled.
  • x86_64: This is the processor architecture.
  • GNU/Linux: This indicates that the system is running the GNU userland on top of the Linux kernel.

By understanding the output of uname, you can gain insight into the system you are working on and troubleshoot issues more effectively.

Advanced Uname Features

Combining Uname with Other Commands

The uname command can be combined with other Linux commands to provide more detailed information about the system. For example, to display the operating system name and version along with the hostname, the following command can be used:

$ uname -a && hostname

This will display output similar to the following:

Linux 5.10.0-9-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.70-1 (2022-09-05) x86_64 GNU/Linux

Another useful combination is with the arch command, which displays the system architecture. The following command will display the operating system name, version, and architecture:

$ uname -a && arch

This will produce output similar to the following:

Linux 5.10.0-9-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.70-1 (2022-09-05) x86_64 GNU/Linux

Troubleshooting Uname Errors

In some cases, the uname command may not be found on the system. This can happen if the command has been removed or if the system does not have the required packages installed. To check if the command is installed, the following command can be used:

$ which uname

If the command is not found, an error message will be displayed. In this case, the command can be installed using the system’s package manager. For example, on Debian-based systems, the command can be installed using the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install coreutils

If the uname command is found but produces an error, it may be due to a problem with the system’s kernel. In this case, the system may need to be rebooted or the kernel may need to be updated. Checking the system logs can also provide more information about the error.

Overall, the uname command is a powerful tool for obtaining information about the system. By combining it with other commands and troubleshooting any errors, users can gain a better understanding of their system’s configuration.

Uname Command References

Uname Man Page

The uname command is a Linux utility that prints system information such as the kernel name, release version, and machine hardware name. The man page for uname provides detailed information on the command’s usage, options, and output formats.

The uname man page can be accessed by typing man uname in the terminal. The page contains a comprehensive list of options that can be used with the uname command, along with examples of their usage.

Some of the commonly used options include:

  • -a: Prints all system information.
  • -s: Prints the kernel name.
  • -r: Prints the kernel release version.
  • -m: Prints the machine hardware name.

The man page also provides information on how to interpret the output of the uname command, and how to use it in shell scripts.

Linux Version Information

One of the most common uses of the uname command is to check the version of Linux that is running on a system. The uname -r command can be used to print the kernel release version, which can be used to determine the version of Linux that is running.

For example, on a system running Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7, the output of uname -r might be 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64. This indicates that the system is running Linux kernel version 3.10.0-693, which is the version of the kernel that was released as part of RHEL 7.

Knowing the version of Linux that is running on a system can be useful for troubleshooting, as different versions of Linux may have different features or requirements.


The uname command is a useful utility for printing system information on Linux systems. The uname man page provides detailed information on the command’s usage and options, and can be a valuable resource for Linux administrators and developers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What information does the ‘uname’ command provide in Linux?

The ‘uname’ command provides information about the kernel name, network hostname, kernel release, kernel version, machine hardware name, and operating system.

How can I display the Linux kernel version using ‘uname’?

To display the Linux kernel version, use the ‘-r’ option with the ‘uname’ command. The command to display the kernel version is ‘uname -r’.

What are some common options used with the ‘uname’ command and their outputs?

The most commonly used options with the ‘uname’ command are ‘-a’, ‘-r’, ‘-s’, and ‘-v’. The ‘-a’ option displays all information about the system, ‘-r’ displays the kernel release, ‘-s’ displays the kernel name, and ‘-v’ displays the kernel version.

How do you use ‘uname’ to determine the machine’s hardware name?

To determine the machine’s hardware name, use the ‘-m’ option with the ‘uname’ command. The command to display the machine’s hardware name is ‘uname -m’.

Can ‘uname’ be used to obtain both the network hostname and the kernel release?

Yes, ‘uname’ can be used to obtain both the network hostname and the kernel release. Use the ‘-n’ option to display the network hostname and the ‘-r’ option to display the kernel release. The command to display both is ‘uname -n -r’.

What is the difference between ‘uname’ with no options and ‘uname -a’?

‘Uname’ with no options displays the kernel name, while ‘uname -a’ displays all information about the system, including the kernel name, network hostname, kernel release, kernel version, machine hardware name, and operating system.


As part of this tutorial, we learned how to use uname to get kernel, system, hardware, and processor information. For more detailed uname command can be checked on uname Man Page.

if you wan to learn about more linux command you can find it in our linux command Cheatsheet guide.

Last Updated on January 2, 2024 by admin

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