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Useradd Command in Linux with Examples

The useradd command is a powerful tool for creating user accounts in Linux. With this command, users can create new accounts, set passwords, and specify user groups. However, the useradd command can be complex to use, especially for those who are new to Linux. In this article, we will explore the useradd command in detail, including how to use it, best practices, and examples.

Understanding the Useradd Command The useradd command is used to create new user accounts in Linux. It is a command-line tool that allows users to specify a range of options, including the username, password, and user group. By default, the useradd command creates a home directory for the new user, as well as a default set of files and directories. However, users can specify custom options to tailor the user account to their specific needs.

Creating Users with Useradd Creating a new user account with the useradd command is a straightforward process. Users simply need to specify the username and any additional options they want to use. Once the user account has been created, users can log in to the account using the specified username and password. However, there are several best practices that users should follow when using the useradd command to ensure that their accounts are secure and functional.

Key Takeaways

  • The useradd command is a powerful tool for creating user accounts in Linux.
  • Users can specify a range of options, including the username, password, and user group.
  • Best practices for using the useradd command include setting strong passwords, specifying user groups, and limiting user permissions.

Understanding the Useradd Command

Definition and Purpose

The useradd command in Linux is used to create a new user account. This command is typically used by system administrators to add new users to a Linux system. The useradd command creates a new user account by adding the user information to the system’s user database, creating a home directory for the user, and setting the user’s default shell.

The syntax for the useradd command is as follows:

useradd [options] username

Where username is the name of the new user account and [options] are optional arguments that can be used to customize the user account.

Some of the most commonly used options for the useradd command include:

  • -m: This option tells the useradd command to create a home directory for the new user.
  • -s: This option specifies the default shell for the new user account.
  • -G: This option adds the new user to one or more groups.

Creating Users with Useradd

The useradd command is used to create new user accounts in Linux. It is a powerful tool that allows administrators to quickly and easily create new users with a variety of options and settings. In this section, we will explore how to use the useradd command to create new users in Linux.

Basic Syntax and Options

The basic syntax of the useradd command is as follows:

useradd [options] username

The username parameter specifies the name of the new user account that you want to create. The options parameter allows you to specify various options and settings for the new user account.

Some of the most commonly used options for the useradd command include:

-cSpecifies a comment for the new user account
-dSpecifies the home directory for the new user account
-gSpecifies the primary group for the new user account
-mCreates the home directory for the new user account
-sSpecifies the default shell for the new user account

For example, the following command creates a new user account named john with a comment of “John Smith” and a home directory of /home/john:

useradd -c "John Smith" -d /home/john john

The Immediate State of a New User

When you create a user with the useradd command, the new user account is created with a default set of settings and permissions. By default, the new user account is not assigned a password, and the account is disabled.

To assign a password to the new user account, you can use the passwd command:

passwd john

This will prompt you to enter a new password for the john user account.

To enable the new user account, you can use the usermod command:

usermod -e "" john

This will remove the expiration date for the john user account, effectively enabling it.

Specifying Home Directory and Permissions

When you create a new user account with the useradd command, you can specify the home directory for the new user account using the -d option. By default, the home directory is created with the same permissions as the /etc/skel directory.

To specify custom permissions for the new user account’s home directory, you can use the chmod command:

chmod 700 /home/john

This will set the permissions for the /home/john directory to rwx------, allowing only the owner (i.e. john) to read, write, and execute files in the directory.

Overall, the useradd command is a powerful tool for creating new user accounts in Linux. With its wide range of options and settings, administrators can easily create new users and customize their settings to meet their specific needs.

Platform-Specific Usage

Each Linux distribution may have slightly different options and syntax for the useradd command. In this section, we will cover the usage of useradd in Arch Linux.

Useradd in Arch Linux

In Arch Linux, useradd is used to add a new user account to the system. The basic syntax for creating a new user is:

useradd [options] username

Some of the commonly used options in Arch Linux are:

-mCreate a home directory for the new user
-GAdd the new user to one or more supplementary groups
-sSpecify the login shell for the new user

For example, to create a new user named “john” with a home directory and a login shell of /bin/bash, you would use the following command:

useradd -m -s /bin/bash john

To add the new user to the “wheel” and “audio” groups, you would use:

useradd -m -G wheel,audio john

Once you have created a new user, you can set a password for the account using the passwd command:

passwd john

You will be prompted to enter and confirm the new password for the user.

In conclusion, understanding the platform-specific usage of useradd command in Arch Linux can help you create and manage user accounts more efficiently.

Best Practices and Examples

Common Use Cases

The useradd command is frequently used to create new user accounts on a Linux system. When creating a new user, it is important to follow some best practices to ensure that the account is secure and functional. Here are some common use cases and best practices when using the useradd command:

  • Creating a new user account: To create a new user account, use the following syntax: sudo useradd username. This will create a new user account with the default settings. It is recommended to create a strong password for the new user and to assign the user to the appropriate groups.
  • Assigning a user to a group: To assign a user to a group, use the following syntax: sudo usermod -aG groupname username. This will add the user to the specified group. It is important to assign the user to the appropriate groups to ensure that they have the necessary permissions to perform their tasks.
  • Setting the home directory: By default, the useradd command will create a home directory for the new user in the /home directory. To specify a different home directory, use the -d option followed by the desired path: sudo useradd -d /path/to/home username.
  • Setting the shell: By default, the useradd command will set the shell for the new user to /bin/bash. To specify a different shell, use the -s option followed by the desired shell: sudo useradd -s /path/to/shell username.

Advanced Examples

The useradd command can also be used to create user accounts with more advanced settings. Here are some examples:

  • Creating a system user: To create a system user, use the -r option: sudo useradd -r username. This will create a user account with a UID below 1000, which is typically reserved for system users.
  • Creating a user with a specific UID: To create a user with a specific UID, use the -u option followed by the desired UID: sudo useradd -u 1001 username. This can be useful when creating a user account that needs to match an existing UID.
  • Creating a user with a specific GID: To create a user with a specific GID, use the -g option followed by the desired GID: sudo useradd -g 1001 username. This can be useful when creating a user account that needs to match an existing GID.
  • Creating a user with a specific expiration date: To create a user with a specific expiration date, use the -e option followed by the desired date in YYYY-MM-DD format: sudo useradd -e 2024-12-31 username. This can be useful when creating temporary user accounts that need to be disabled after a certain date.

Overall, the useradd command is a powerful tool for creating and managing user accounts on a Linux system. By following best practices and using the appropriate options, you can create secure and functional user accounts for your system.

Useradd vs. Adduser: What Are the Differences?

When it comes to creating new users in Linux, there are two commonly used commands: useradd and adduser. Although they both serve the same purpose, there are some differences between them that users should be aware of.


The useradd command is a low-level utility that is used to create a new user account in Linux. It is a command-line tool that requires the user to specify all the necessary options and parameters. The useradd command creates a new user account by adding the user details to the system files, such as /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, and /etc/group.

One of the advantages of using the useradd command is that it gives the user complete control over the user account creation process. The user can specify the username, UID, GID, home directory, shell, and other user-related information. However, this also means that the user must have a good understanding of the Linux file system and the user account management process.


The adduser command is a higher-level utility that is designed to simplify the user account creation process. It is a wrapper around the useradd command and provides a more user-friendly interface. The adduser command prompts the user for the necessary information, such as the username, password, and other user-related details, and then creates the user account with the default settings.

One of the advantages of using the adduser command is that it automates many of the user account creation tasks, such as creating the home directory, setting the password, and adding the user to the appropriate groups. This makes it easier for users who are not familiar with the Linux file system and the user account management process.


In summary, both useradd and adduser commands are used to create new user accounts in Linux. The useradd command is a low-level utility that provides complete control over the user account creation process, while the adduser command is a higher-level utility that simplifies the process by automating many of the tasks. Users should choose the command that best suits their needs and level of expertise.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I create a new user along with a password in a single command in Linux?

To create a new user along with a password in a single command, use the following syntax:

sudo useradd -m -p password username

Replace “password” with the desired password and “username” with the desired username. The “-m” option creates the user’s home directory, and the “-p” option sets the password for the user.

What steps are involved in adding a user to a specific group in Linux?

To add a user to a specific group in Linux, use the following syntax:

sudo usermod -a -G groupname username

Replace “groupname” with the name of the group and “username” with the name of the user. The “-a” option tells usermod to append the user to the group, and the “-G” option specifies the name of the group.

Why might I get a ‘useradd command not found’ error and how can I resolve it?

If you get a “useradd command not found” error, it may be because the useradd command is not installed on your system. To resolve this issue, install the “passwd” package using the following command:

sudo apt-get install passwd

How can I access the manual or help page for the useradd command in Linux?

To access the manual or help page for the useradd command, use the following command:

man useradd

This will display the manual page for the useradd command, which includes detailed information on how to use the command.

What is the correct method for removing a user in Linux using the userdel command?

To remove a user in Linux using the userdel command, use the following syntax:

sudo userdel username

Replace “username” with the name of the user you wish to delete. This will remove the user’s account and home directory.

How do I grant a new user sudo privileges in Linux?

To grant a new user sudo privileges in Linux, you must add the user to the “sudo” group. Use the following command to add the user to the “sudo” group:

sudo usermod -a -G sudo username

Replace “username” with the name of the user you wish to grant sudo privileges to. Once the user has been added to the “sudo” group, they will be able to execute commands with sudo privileges.

Last Updated on January 2, 2024 by admin

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